Q. How is the programme paid for through the levy?
A. The ESFA automatically administer your on-line account and a set amount will be paid to your nominated provider each month. For DCC maintained schools, DCC can assist in supporting you with your levy expenditure.
What if I am not a levy payer? If your apprentice is aged 16-18 then the apprenticeship is fully funded. If they are aged 22+ then you are required to pay 5% of the course fee. For example £200 for a childcare apprentice.
Q. What can be used to meet the 20% off-the-job requirement?
A. Examples of training that can be used include, on-line training modules, conferences, CPD events, shadowing, and lessons at college. Off-the-job training must be directly relevant to the apprenticeship framework or standard, teaching new knowledge, skills and behaviours required to reach competence in the particular occupation. It can include training that is delivered at the apprentice’s normal place of work and can include the following:
- The teaching of theory (for example, lectures, role playing, simulation exercises, online learning)
- Practical training, shadowing, mentoring
- Learning support and time spent writing assessments/assignments
Off-the-job training does not include:
- Training to acquire skills, knowledge and behaviours that are not required in the standard or framework;
- Progress reviews or on-programme assessment required for an apprenticeship framework or standard
- Training which takes place outside the apprentice’s paid hours
- Functional skills
Q. How is 20% OJT recorded?
A. All training is recorded on the on-line portfolio (OneFile). A training entry can be logged easily and a record is kept of the date & duration. This is monitored during the course of the programme and discussed at regular review meetings.
Q. How often would staff need to attend college?
A. Once a week, during term-time. We can look at flexible delivery for existing staff.
Q. How is an individual’s progress reviewed?
A. Regular communication between the college, the employer and the student is very important. Reviews are carried out every 8-10 weeks between the student, their line manager and your allocated Skills Officer to review progress on the course and performance at work.
Q. When will I start to lose the levy that has accumulated?
A. From May 2019, unused levy funds will start to be deducted from your account. This happens for the unused amount of your levy on the 24 month anniversary.