School Type Employer Levy/Non-Levy 
Foundation Governing body can agree the wage you offer Levy – Cost of training is funded by the council levy 
Community Local Authority. Advised to pay Grade A wage, but you can pay the apprentice wage if the governing body/committee agree Levy – Cost of training is funded by the council levy 
Voluntary Controlled (faith schools) Local Authority. Advised to pay Grade A wage, but you can pay the apprentice wage if the governing body/committee agree  Levy – Cost of training is funded by the council levy  
Voluntary Aided (faith schools) Governing body can agree the wage you offer Levy – Cost of training is funded by the council levy 
Academies/Trusts Governing body can agree the wage you offer  Depends – Levy if wage bill exceeds 3 Million as a collective. If wage bill does not exceed 3 Million 5% of training cost is applicable for apprentices aged 22+
Independent Governing body can agree the wage you offer Depends – Levy if wage bill exceeds 3 Million as a collective. If wage bill does not exceed 3 Million 5% of training cost is applicable for apprentices aged 22+
Private Governing body can agree the wage you offer Depends – Levy if wage bill exceeds 3 Million as a collective. If wage bill does not exceed 3 Million 5% of training cost is applicable for apprentices aged 22+
Updated as of Jan 2025